
时间:2023-04-26 20:25:13 手机站 来源:网友投稿





[作者简介]黄之栋(1977—),男,台湾人,英国爱丁堡大学社会暨政治学院(School of Social and Political Studies)博士,现任职于台湾交通大学通识中心环境史研究室,主要从事环境正义、科技与社会、左翼思想等研究;黄瑞祺(1954—),男,台湾台北市人,社会学博士,台湾“中央研究院”欧美研究所研究员,主要从事欧美社会政治理论、全球化及生态社会学等研究。(台湾台北11529)


The Debate of Environmental Justice: a Historical Analysis on Environmental Justice Research

■Chin-Tung HuangRuey-Chiy Hwang

Abstract: After scrutinising the history of empirical environmental justice(EJ) researches, three successive waves, we argue, can be identified according to their similarities in terms of scale of analysis, statistical methodologies, and most importantly their common focus. By observing scopes and contents of scientific evidences, we conclude that the support of sciences for the EJ movement is getting weaker than that of before. Broadly, both races and incomes are statistically significant on the national scale in the first wave. However, despite races and incomes still being important, no American nationwide evidences can be found in the second wave. Moreover, researchers of this wave argued that people should focus on the intent in discrimination, rather than the fact of exposure. Finally, races were totally excluded from considerations of the third-wave EJ researchers. Although re-searchers still considered that the correlation of incomes can be found in a small scale, because of the immaturity of empirical EJ researches, none of them should be taken into consideration in the policy decision-making process. In sum, the evidence that can be adopted to support the EJ movement was growing less and less. Even though the science is no longer a “reliable friend”, the question is that “can we promote EJ without the support of sciences?”.We suggest in conclusion that it would be a serious mistake to discount the importance of scientific researches, since the EJ movement still needs sciences to provide a scientifically or “really” necessary way to foster an equal distribution of the environmental quality. After all, the final goal of EJ movement is to find a solution, rather than simply to prove the fact of injustice.

Key words: environmental justice (EJ); scientific knowledge; NIMBY; STS


自1980年代后期以降,人们开始注意到,尽管大家都希望享受清新的空气、干净的饮水与良好的环境,但实际的情况却是:有些地方空气污浊难耐,有些巷口脏乱不堪,更有些土壤受到工业废弃物的严重污染。很显然,虽然大家对自身所处的环境都有所期待,但环境损益(“goods” and“bads”)却绝非平均分配,社会中往往有一群人承担了不成比例的环境风险与危害。

为了描述这种不成比例的风险承担,论者创建了诸多环境正义相关用语,如环境种族主义、环境公平等;也开始了一连串的调查与研究,希望借由提供正确的环境信息,来促使政府正视这类由环境负荷不公正分配所产生的社会问题 (Maples ,2003; 石山德子,2004)。在社会运动工作者致力增进民众对环境正义的理解与社会学家钻研环境不正义的前因后果之下,环境正义的概念渐渐为大众所理解,环境正义运动也随之如火如荼地开展。

推荐访问:论争 视角 正义 环境 科学

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