《butterfly》 [butterfly蝶恋]

时间:2020-01-13 10:45:16 手机站 来源:网友投稿

Flower and butterfly wings are, and this is the pursuit of beauty, it has no pursue happiness is everyone needs!

Imagine an angel flying, imagine the scarecrow of loneliness, imagine the beautiful butterfly, the pursuit of perfect people cannot get happiness, only weakness can only weakness can reflect beauty, beauty of the heart.Fly, butterfly wings, instantly, only the profusion colorful flowers, they stay in the heart, stay in moving, I happiness, joy, perhaps is a butterfly, someone say: roses are beautiful, flower is beautiful... Yes,

they are beautiful, also has a beautiful butterfly.

Mother, she is like a butterfly. The charm reveals Perhaps, rainbow is the color of color for butterfly, perhaps, is a rainbow of beauty, the butterfly beauty.





  赞                          (散文编辑:江南风)

推荐访问:蝶恋 butterfly butterfly乒乓球拍 butterfly是什么牌子

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