
时间:2021-09-28 08:21:48 手机站 来源:网友投稿


 名目 政府报告词条总结 2 重点句子摘录 7 英译汉 11 Businesses face immigration challenge 11 CATTI 真题英译汉 14 时政英译汉 16 专四阅读题英译汉 29 汉译英 32 中俄两国元首互致新年贺电 32 The Heads of State of China and Russia Exchanged New Year Greetings 32 CATTI 真题 34 时政新闻汉译英 36 翻译心得体会 38


 1. 审议

 deliberation and approval 2. 请予审议

 (ask) for your deliberation and approval

 3. 全国政协 the National Committee of the Chinese People”s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) 4. 请...提出意见 invite comments from 5. 全面贯彻 put ... fully into effect 6. 十九大精神 the guiding principles of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China 7. 下行压力 downward pressure 8. 砥砺奋进,攻坚克难 forge ahead and overcome difficulties 9. 党中心 the Party Central Committee / the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 10. 全面建成小康社会 building a moderately prosperous society in all respect 11. 决胜 decisive victory 12. 国内生产总值 gross domestic product (GDP) 13. 货运 freight transport 14. 国际收支基本平衡。

 In the balance of payments a basic equilibrium was maintained. 15. 消费拉动经济增长作用进一步增加。

 Consumption continued to play an increasing role in driving economic growth. 16. 嫦娥四号 the Chang”e-4 lunar probe 17. 机构改革 Institutional reforms 18. 市场准入负面清单制度 The negative list system for market access 19. 放管服:简政放权、放管结合、优化服务 streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services 20. 一带一路 the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

 21. 中国国际进口博览会 China International Import Expo 22. 海南自贸试验区 the China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone 23. 三大攻坚战

 three critical battles

 24. 三大攻坚战是指防范化解重大风险、精准脱贫、污染防治 the battles against potential risks, poverty, and pollution 25. 开局良好;开门红 get off to a good start 26. 防范化解 forestall and defuse 27. 宏观杠杆率

 macro leverage ratio

 28. 精准脱贫 precision poverty alleviation 29. 有力推动 make significant progress 30. 易地扶贫 relocation from inhospitable areas 31. 污染防治 pollution prevention and control 32. 生态文明建设 ecological conservation 33. 成效显著 make marked achievements 34. 居民人均可支配收入 per capita disposable personal income 35. 个人所得税起征点 the threshold for individual income tax 36. 基本养老 basic elderly care 37. 基本医疗 basic health care 38. 家庭困难同学 students from families in financial difficulty 39. 棚户区 rundown urban areas 40. 农村危房 dilapidated rural houses 41. 改革开放 40 周年 the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up 42. 深刻总结 thoroughly reviewed

 43. 严峻?宣示的决心 pledge one”s resolve 44. 全国各族人民 Chinese people of all ethnic groups 45. 历史伟业 historic achievements 46. 生产经营 production and business operations 47. 新老冲突 old and new issues 48. 实现目标

 attain targets 49. 稳增长、防风险 ensure stable growth and prevent risks 50. 完成任务

 complete tasks 51. 总体平稳、稳中有进 achieved generally stable growth while making further progress 52. 共同努力,齐心协力 concerted effort 53. 没有过不去的坎 There is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. 54. 对进展的追求 pursuit of development

 55. 深化贯彻 fully implement 56. 决策部署 policies and plans 57. 稳中求进工作总基调 general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability 58. 统筹 work holistically 59. 稳增长、促改革、调结构、惠民生、防风险 maintain stable growth, advance reform, make structural adjustments, improve living standards, and guard against risks 60. 经贸摩擦 economic and trade frictions 61. 外贸 foreign trade 62. 完善宏观调控 improve macro regulation 63. “大水漫灌’式强刺激 a deluge of strong stimulus policies

 64. ... 连续性稳定性

 the continuity and consistency of

  65. 区间调控 conduct regulation to keep main economic indicators within an appropriate range 66. 加强定向、相机调控 improve targeted and well-timed regulation 67. 主动预调、微调 carry out anticipatory adjustments and fine-tuning 68. 实施乐观的财政政策 pursue a proactive fiscal policy 69. 减税降费 cutting taxes and fees 70. 补短板调结构 strengthening areas of weakness, and promoting structural adjustment 71. 下调增值税税率 reduced VAT rates 72. 税收优待 tax relief 73. 财政支出结构 the composition of budgetary spending 74. 盘活财政存量资金 put idle budgetary funds to use 75. 稳健的货币政策 a prudent monetary policy 76. 实体经济 the real economy 77. 针对 In response to 78. 存款预备金率 required reserve ratios 79. 多措并举 apply a combination of measures to 80. ...得到初步遏制。

 Initial success was (thus) made in curbing ... 81. 特别波动 abnormal fluctuations 82. 人民币汇率 the RMB exchange rate 83. 外汇储备 (China”s) foreign exchange reserves 84. 扎实打好三大攻坚战

 take solid action in the three critical battles 85. 制定并有序实施... draw up and begin the systematic implementation of ... 86. 结构性去杠杆

 structural deleveraging

 87. 稳妥处置. handle ... prudently and appropriately 88. 房地产市场调控机制 mechanisms for conducting regulation over the real estate market 89. 深化推动 make further progress in 90. 精准扶贫 precision poverty alleviation 91. 扶贫力气 poverty relief capacity 92. 强化社会帮扶 encourage society to assist poverty alleviation 93. 贫困地区 poverty-stricken areas 94. 自我进展力量 the self-development capacity 95. 能源和运输结构 energy and transportation structures 96. “煤改气’”煤改电’ the replacement of coal with natural gas and

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