
时间:2022-08-15 14:13:44 手机站 来源:网友投稿




 今天我们要去地球上最棒的地方玩了 Ooh, yeah! Today"s the day we"re going to the awesomest place on Earth. u 乐园 官方主题公园 这句话是我自愿说的 Hulu!

 uland, the official Hulu theme park. And they didn"t make us say this. "Hulu!" Hulu 乐园播了我 别再做嘻哈超人舞手势了 特里 这个动作已经过时了 Stop dabbing, Terry. Nobody does that anymore. 你错了 嘻哈超人舞手势永不会过时 嘻哈超人舞手势最酷!

 Wrong. Dabbing will be cool forever. Dabbity, dab, dab. 我承认 就连我也很期待这次旅行 I"ll admit that even I, the stodgiest one of the bunch, am looking forward to this trip. 我们需要好好放松一下 毕竟经历了那么多糟心事 We could use it after all crap we"ve been through lately. 比如火车事件 还有排队的那档子事 That stuff with the trains, all that business with the line. 糟心事主要就这两件 You know, basically, those two things. 我做了攻略 好让我们在公园关门 或被威瑞森收♥购♥之前 逛遍所有景点 I"ve made a plan to make sure we hit all the best rides before the park closes or it gets bought by Verizon. 科尔沃 你看地图 我在跟你指位置呢 Korvo, come on, look at the map. I"m pointing, look at my pointing, please. 好吧 那我就看几个景点 仅此而已 Fine. I will look at a few pointings, but that"s it. 我们先去体验 《使女的故事》水羽流 First, we hit The Handmaid"s Tale Escape from Gilead water plume. 然后去看《笔写青春》的山 After that, it"s PEN15 Mount, 之后 去玩《巨塔杀机》里的恐怖塔 then we head for the thrilling but grossly insensitive Looming Tower of Terror tower. 下一站是《棕榈泉》的休憩小屋 Next, we grab drinks at the Palm Springs Tiki Lounge. 我想看《博斯》的舞台剧 -那部剧不是 Hulu 的 I want to watch the Bosch stage show. -Where"s that? That show"s not on Hulu. 是 Hulu 的 -不是 Yes, it is. -No, it"s not. 我天天在 Hulu 上看《博斯》 Yes, it is, Terry. I Bosch all the time. 不然我是没法说出剧名的 -不 它真的不是 I wouldn"t be allowed to say it if it wasn"t on Hulu. -No, it"s not, bruh. 我敢用我的性命打赌 《博斯》就是 Hulu 家的

 You know what, Terry? I would bet my life that Bosch is on Hulu. 那你准备去死吧 地图上都写着呢 -该死!

 Well, then get ready to die because they even say it on the map. 《博斯》不是 Hulu 的剧 那它是哪个台的 美国广播公♥司♥吗 Damn it! What"s it on, then? CNN? 科尔沃 没想到你竟然分不清每部剧 是在哪个流媒体平台播 Oh, my God, Korvo, I can"t believe you don"t know the exact streaming service that every single show is on. 你是上世纪的老年人吧 You"re such a boomer. 我们得出发了 Shit, we gotta go. Get your shoes on. -Whoop, whoop! 复♥制♥人 我们得赶紧出发了 Replicants, get the lead out. We need to leave if we want to get 不然就赶不上《11 22 63》 俱乐部的晚餐预约了 on the dinner reservation list for Club 11.22.63. 这部剧讲的是主角去拯救肯尼迪 和一家做羊羔肉的 That"s the show where they time-travel to save JFK 秘密餐厅的故事 and a secret diner above the log plume where they serve lamb. 我看过 我超爱那部剧 Oh, I know it and I love it. 外星难民要去 Hulu 乐园了 The Solar Opposites are going to Hululand. 先说清楚 这和《辛普森一家》里 “挠痒乐园”那集不一样 And it"s not gonna be like that "Itchy & Scratchy Land" episode of The Simpsons, 那就走着瞧吧 just to be clear right up front. -We"ll see about that. 什洛浦星曾是个完美的乌托邦 直到被小行星撞上 Planet Shlorp was a perfect utopia until the asteroid hit. 一百个成人和他们的复♥制♥人 One hundred adults and their replicants 分到了一只噗噗 逃往了太空 were issued a Pupa and escaped into the space, 在杳无人迹的世界寻找新的家园 searching for new homes on uninhabited worlds. 我们坠毁在地球上 困在了一个已经人口过密的星球 We crashed on Earth, stranding us on an already overpopulated planet. 情况就是这样 说话的人是我 That"s right. I"ve been talking this whole time.

 也就是抱着噗噗的那个 我叫科尔沃 I"m the one holding the Pupa. My name"s Korvo. 这是关于我的动画 我刚把噗噗摔下去了 This is... This is my show. I just dropped the Pupa. 你看见我了吗 真是让人无语 Do you see me? This is ridiculous. 我讨厌地球 这是个糟糕的家园 人类愚蠢至极 I hate Earth. It"s a horrible home. People are stupid and confusing. 为什么百万富翁去太空的时候 不带上我? Why won"t a billionaire take me with him when they go into space? 我是个优秀的导航员 我还会带上一些零食 I"m a good navigator, I"ll bring some snacks. 你喜欢玉米片吗 Do you like Takis? 如果你带我去太空 我就带 Takis 给你吃 If you bring me to space, I"ll bring Takis. 我不知道该戴《拉米》同款遮阳帽 还是《娃娃脸》同款毛线帽 Ugh, I can"t decide if I should wear my Ramy sun visor or my Dollface skullcap. 我们今天一整天都要把 Hulu 出品的剧名挂在嘴边吗 Are we just gonna be name-dropping all the Hulu properties all day, or what? 没错 今天的软广♥告♥会多到令人发指 Oh, yeah, the corporate synergy is gonna get very gross. 快打开你“Hulu 乐园倒计时” 圣诞日历里最后一天的小礼物 Don"t forget to open the last day of your Countdown to Hululand advent calendar. 让我们来看看最后一块 快放坏了的小零食是什么 Hmm, let"s see what the final stale piece is gonna be. 是《凯瑟琳大帝》口味的软糖 Ooh, it"s a The Great-flavored jellybean. 我一直很好奇凯瑟琳大帝 尝起来是什么滋味 Mm, I"ve always wondered what The Great would taste like, 现在我终于知道了 是沾着鲜血的亚麻布味 and now I know, blood on linen. 幸好科尔沃买♥♥了季卡 I"m glad Korvo paid for season passes 否则我们就要一边逛一边看广♥告♥了 so we won"t have to watch a bunch of ads as we walk through the park. 不过由于一些遗留的版权问题 一部分游乐设施 Well, except for some rides, which, due to previous rights issues, 在开始和结束时 必须播放一则雷克萨斯广♥告♥ have to start and end with a commercial for Lexus. 我听说他们试图在不让游客察觉的情况下 偷偷塞广♥告♥进去

 I heard sometimes they try to sneak ads into the actual rides without telling people, 我倒是不介意雷克萨斯的广♥告♥ not that I"d mind with Lexus. 毕竟雷克萨斯就是顶级汽车 和奢华享受的代名词 Their vehicles are the peak of luxury and automotive excellence. 你俩能快点吗 在我气到喷射之前 Will you two hurry the fuck up before I get so mad that I squirt? 真是要命 自从科尔沃玩了 Oh, good grief, Korvo won"t stop saying he"s going to squirt 《最后生还者 2》后 他就总把“喷射”挂在嘴边 ever since he played the Last Of Us Part II. 真是太让人尴尬了 别关电视 It"s très embarrassing. Ooh, leave the TV on, 我们不在时 电视的声音 会让墙内人没那么寂寞 the sound keeps the Wall peeps happy when we aren"t around. 最好多给他们喂点吃的 Better feed them a little extra 免得我们离开太久 享受你们的奶球吧 小家伙们 in case we"re gone for too long. Enjoy the duds, little buds. 奶球 突发新闻 一只大猩猩从动物园里逃了出来 Breaking news. A gorilla has just escaped the city zoo. 上次发生此类动物逃园事件 还是 1998 年 This is the first zoo escape since 1998, 当时一只智利火烈鸟 偷了一些衣物逃出来 when a Chilean flamingo stole some clothes and snuck out, 伪装成一位叫雷蒙的小男孩 disguised as a teen boy named Ramon. 哔哔 Beep, beep, beep... 布雷恩 别叫了 我们在开会呢 Hey, Blaine, knock it off, we"re having a meeting over here. 真是对不起 Oh, so sorry. 我以为鉴于这里是医院 你们会想通过我的哔声得知病人的状态呢 I just figured since this was a hospital, you"d wanna know the patient"s status with my beeps, 既然我不受欢迎 我还是滚吧 but I guess I"ll just go fuck myself! 别介意他 Don"t mind him. 布雷恩只是非常看重 在医院玩角色扮演

 Blaine just takes his hos-play very seriously. 他状态如何 -有一阵子挺不好的 How"s he doing? -Well, it was miss for a while. Then, it was hit, 后来又好了 好好坏坏 时好时坏 and then it alternated between miss and hit or hit and miss... 跟我说英文 Could you just tell me in English? 从他的生命体征来看 我们给他输的隐形眼镜液 His vitals seem to be responding to the contact lens fluid 有一定效果 we"ve been giving him intravenously. 幸好你们及时把他救了出来 -他还会昏迷多久 He"s lucky you guys got him out of there when you did. -How long will he be unconscious? 我觉得少则两月 多则三月 In my professional opinion, I"d say eight, maybe twelve weeks. 雪莉? -蒂姆!

 Cherie? -Tim. 他为什么非要在我刚说完 “可能会昏迷 8 到 12”周后醒来 Of course, he wakes up right as I say eight to twelve weeks. 把我衬得像个傻子 God, I look like such an idiot. 你还活着 雪莉 我的天啊 已经过去整年了 You"re alive! Cherie, oh, God, this whole year. 你是怎么活下来的 -不关你的事 How did you survive in the backyard? -Don"t worry about that. 你不记得自己在王座厅里说了什么吗 You don"t remember what you said in the throne room, do you? 我什么都不记得了 No, I... I don"t remember anything. 在五分钟后醒来还可以接受 但我刚说完就醒 太过分了 Even if you"d woken up just five minutes later, but right when I said it? 这种糗事我得惦记… -别纠结了 Argh, I"m gonna be thinking about this for the rest of my... -Get over it. 过去几个月的事我都记不清了 我在哪儿 The last couple months are a blur. Where am I? 在宝威明教堂的秘密病房♥ 你铅中毒了 正在接受治疗 Secret hospital room in the Bowinian Church, being treated for lead poisoning. 什么 为什么有人给我下毒 我是个好人啊 What? Who would poison me? I"m a great guy. 这是你自己作的 You did it to yourself.

 谁让你用汉堡王的杯子里喝水 -我从没用汉堡王的杯子喝过水 Drinking out of that cheap Burger King glass. -I never drank out of a Burger King glass. 什么 才怪 我亲眼见你喝过 What? No, I watched you. 我办公室的那杯子是仿制品 That glass in my office is a replica. 那是我从最好的杯子店定做的 用来日常怀旧 I commissioned it from our finest cupmakers for a daily hit of nostalgia. It"s lead-free. 那个不含铅 No, that can"t be right. 不可能啊 杯子店不接受定做的 All of our cupmakers refuse to take commissions. 你完蛋了 蒂姆 你会为自己的罪行接受审判 You"re done, Tim. You"re going on trial for your crimes. 是时候让人♥民♥知道真♥相♥了 It"s time the people of the Wall learn the truth. 我昏迷了多久 -四天 Wait, how long have I been out? -Four days. 不 太迟了 Oh, no, no, I"m late. 看 杰茜已经把所有礼盒都打开了 Look, Jesse"s opened all the compartments, 外星人要出去玩了 that means the aliens have gone on their trip. 玩什么 -他神志不清了 What trip? -He"s delirious. 你没看到他们买♥♥了晕车药和橙汁吗 Haven"t you seen them buy Dramamine and individual orange juices? 那又怎样 -那是出去玩的必备物品 So? -That"s road-trip stuff. 外星人不在家 The aliens have left. This is our chance to escape and get big aga...

推荐访问:Opposites《外星也难民》第三季第四集完整中英文对照剧本 外星 难民 剧本 外星也难民第三季

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