
时间:2022-06-10 20:34:44 手机站 来源:网友投稿




 - 前情回顾 - 操!

 Fuck! 我必须放弃你... - 为什么?你爱的不是我么? - That I have to renounce you... - Why? If I"m the one you love? 这是让上帝降雨的唯一办法 It"s the only way it"s ever gonna rain. 多给他们分点水,我不希望镇上发生骚乱 Give them the water they want. I don"t want riots in town. 我不想嫁给你 - 你个婊♥子♥!

 - I don"t want to marry you. - Whore! 我知道矿难让你失去了很多朋友 I know you lost your friends, 但你是我们中唯一知道怎么穿过矿井的人 but you"re the only one that knows his way through the mines. 我们今天发了,老弟 Today we are rich, my little brother. 在他们家人面前行为得体一些 Behave properly with their family, 一切都会很顺利的,包括你的候选人资格 and everything will be all right, including your candidacy. 把那该死的警长给我大卸八块了 Tear that Goddamn sheriff apart. 呃啊!

 - 你是我的新妈妈么? - Agh! - Are you my new mom? 嘘!

 Shh! 内森? Nathan? 内特? Nate? 嘿 - 嗨 Hey. - Hi. 你♥爸♥爸呢? - 妈妈把他锁在客厅了 Where"s your dad? - Mom locked him in the living room. 你的妈妈? - 是的,我的新妈妈 - Your mom? - Yeah, my new mom. 她昨晚来过 She came to visit last night. 内森? Nathan?

 嘿,宝贝 Hey, honey. 他还在睡觉 He"s still asleep and 咱们不要吵醒他,好吗? we don"t wanna disturb him, all right? 所以,玛丽 So, Mary 你新妈妈长什么样? what"s your mom look like? 你来干吗? What do you want? 我得跟史蒂夫说几句话 I"ve just gotta speak to Steve a minute. 别想了 It"s out of the question. 拜托了 - 这里不欢迎你 - Please. - You"re not welcome here. 发生什么事了? What"s going on? 噢,史蒂夫,感谢上帝 Oh, Steve, thank God. 出啥事了? - 内森 - What happened? - Nathan. 他把西蒙尼的脸给打烂了 He smashed Symone"s face in. 然后警长的人发现他被人割了喉 The sheriff"s men found him with his throat slit. 伊芙一晚上没回来 And Eve didn"t come home last night. 我们哪儿也找不到她 We haven"t been able to find her anywhere. 我需要借用你的马 I need your horse. 史蒂夫,你去哪儿? Steve, where are you going? 史蒂夫!- 驾!

 - Steve! - Hey! 史蒂夫!

 Steve! 还记得你第一次带我来这里么?

 Remember the first time you brought me here? 当时这河里还有水 Back when the water still ran? 那是我一生中最开心的一天 That was the happiest day of my life. 然后一切都变了 And then everything changed. 伊芙 Eve. 看着我 Look at me. 是你杀了他么? Did you kill him? 是你杀了他么? Did you kill him? 你来干嘛? What are you doing here? 我要带你走 I"m gonna take you away. 我要带你离开这里 I"m gonna take you away. 我会把你藏起来,直到麦考伊回来,好不好? And I"ll hide you until McCoy gets back, okay? 我们会把你藏起来直到麦考伊回来 We"re gonna hide you until McCoy gets back. 然后你会跟我在一起? And you"ll stay with me? 你会跟我在一起么? Will you stay with me? 那你干嘛要来? - 来帮你 - Then why are you even here? - To help you. 我来这里帮你 I"m here to help you. 你已经做出选择了 You made your choice. 已经晚了 You made it. 回你老婆身边吧 Go back to your wife. 守着你的农场和该死的金子吧 and your farm and your fucking gold.

 如果你现在不走,他们会 If you don"t leave now, they will 他们会因为你做的事杀了你 they will kill you for what you"ve done. 你明白吗? Do you understand that? 我知道,我不在乎 That"s what"s gonna happen. 你听清楚了么?他们会他妈杀了你 Do you understand that? They will fucking kill you 因为你杀了人 for what you"ve done. 谢谢你让我们找到了她 Thanks for leading us here. 你给我让开,史蒂夫 - 不不不 Get out of my way, Steve. - No, no, no. 别妨碍我执法,快让开!

 - 不不不不 - Move out the fucking way. Move! - No, no, no, no. 你不能动她,你知道的 You can"t fucking touch her, you know that. 待着别动,史蒂夫 - 你不能动她 - Stay where you are, Steve. - You can"t fucking touch her. 你不能动她,你不能...你不能... You can"t fucking touch her. You can" can"t... 我们该继续走了 We should get going. 让我再缓半个小时 Give me half an hour. 半个小时前你就说过了 You said that half an hour ago. 这里跟之前完全不一样了 Well, a lot seems to have changed since I was here last. 那里曾经有条河 There was a river down there 直接流向金矿 that led directly to the mine. 好吧 Well, 这里之前有金子 there used to be gold. 还有水

 There used to be water. 之前这里真是风♥水♥宝♥地♥ There used to be a whole lot of things. 然后我们所有人都疯了 Then we went mad. 不过他疯完全是自己造成的 That one went mad all on his own. 你看上去糟糕透了,知道吧? You look like a piece of shit, you know that? 因为没吃上药根 It"s the roots. 你应该让我来点的 You should"ve let me eat "em. 噢,药根 Oh, the roots. 当然 Of course. 跟你说哈,我现在也想来点药根 Tell you what, I could do with some roots right now. Come on. 你受不了的,你会哭得像个婴儿 No, you"d be crying like a baby. 快点 Come on, 拿上你那兜子漂亮脑袋 bring those pretty little heads of yours. 赶紧走 Let"s go. 但是,你总会无聊的 but, you get bored every now and then. 对吧,然后他会... Right, and he would take 他会收集起所有的牛粪,对吧? he"d collect all the cow shit in there, right? 再放进威士忌一起搅和 And the he would mix it with whiskey 最后用鼻子吸进去,可嗨了 and just sniff it to get high. 听上去太他妈变♥态♥了... It was like some weird fuck... 操 Shit.

 我们到了 There it is. 老天爷,我曾经发誓决不迈进里面半步 Christ, I swore I"d never set foot in here again. 你也想早点回去,对吧? You wanna go home, don"t you? 来吧 Come on. 没人比你更了解这些矿井 No one knows these mines better than you, Kurt. 布朗森,客人们要到了 Bronson, the guests are arriving. 来给我点建议吧 Give me some advice here. “安全有保障”? Solid authority? 还是“未来有希望”? Or faith in the future? “未来有希望”,每次都管用 Faith in the future, every time. 好的 - 放松点,我喜欢你面带笑容 - Yes. - Come on, I like you when you smile. 你来接待第一位客人 You deal with the first guest, 我马上就跟来 and I"ll join you in a second. 不行 No. 可不能让这些贵客干等 The guests can wait. 来吧 Come. 三天前刚给你打过一针 It"s only been three days since the last injection. 之前说了 We said 咱们两周打一次 we inject you once every fortnight. 那是三年前的剂量 That was three years ago. 现在已经不够了

 It"s not enough anymore. 冷静点,如果需要的话,咱们可以调整配方 Let"s calm down. If needs be, we can change the formula. 给我再来一针 Give me another one. 你心脏能受得了么 You could have a hear attack. 而且任何情况下 And in any case, 提高剂量并不... increasing the dose doesn"t... 赶紧把注射器给我吸满了,付你钱是干吗的 Fill that syringe and do what I pay you for, 不然我发誓,把你手掌给卸下来 or I swear to God, I"ll tear it out of your fucking hand 再塞到你脑袋里去 and bury it in your head. 快打 Do it. 好吧,别急 Yes, well, 悠着点,要不再来 10cc 吧 maybe... maybe, maybe 10 CCs more. 你听见他们了么,亨利? You hear them, Henry? 他们要来救我了 They"ve come for me. 你真的要绞死我么? Are you really gonna hang me? 你是自找的,伊芙 You brought it upon yourself, Eve. 你也看到他把她打成什么样了吧 You saw what he did to her face. 那他就罪以至死么? And he deserved to die for it? 你应该先来找我 You should"ve come to me. 我会收拾他,即使他是我表弟 And I"d have punished him, cousin or not. 我也会没收他的警徽 I"d have taken away his badge

 还会赔偿你们的损失 and compensated you for loss of earnings. 结果 Instead, 你选择让一个小女孩没了父亲 you chose to take away a young child"s father. 她父亲没了对她更好 She"s better off. 不,并不是 No, she isn"t. 这就是为什么你罪有应得 And that"s why you deserve what you"re gonna get. 这是我的镇子 This is my town. 之前是 - 依然是 - Was. - Is. 我和麦考伊的 Mine and McCoy"s. 我们制定的规则 We made the rules. 吹吧 - 凡事都有个价格 - Yeah. - Everything has a price. 只有这样,这里才能保持平衡 That way everything stays in balance. 所以, So, 你开个价吧? what"s yours? 有些东西是不能被收买♥♥的 - 比如呢? Some things can"t be reduced to that. - Like what? 比如职责 - 放了我吧 - Like duty. - Spare me. 什么职责? Duty to what? 警徽? - 正是 - The badge? - That"s right. 还有你杀的那个人,你妈♥个♥... And the man you murdered, you fucking... 内森和我刚刚把绞架给搭建好,知道么? Nathan and I built those gallows together, you know that? 正好派上用场,不觉得吗?

 Kind of fitting, don"t you think? 嗯,你绞死我以后 Hmm. When you"re done with me, 都不用劳烦你拆绞架,亨利 I wouldn"t bother taking them down, Henry. 为啥呢? Is that right? 因为,麦克回来知道后 Because, when Mac finds out, 你就是下一个被绞死的 it is you who"ll be the next to swing. 怎么样? Well? 一直找到悬崖那儿 Got as far as the canyon. 桥已经塌了 The bridge has collapsed. 他俩的马还在那儿转悠 And also the horses are wandering about there. 妈的 Damn. 好吧 Well 要么他们是在过桥的时候,桥塌了 either they were crossing the bridge when it collapsed, 那他们必死无疑 in which case, they"re dead. 要么他们走了老矿井 Or they went through the mines... 那样的话 In which case, 他们也会死 they"re dead. 我们不该太早下结论 We shouldn"t jump to conclusions. 你不想做以后会后悔的事吧 You don"t wanna do anything you"re gonna regret. 早上好,伙计们 Morning, folks. 这里发生什么事了? What happened here?

 矿井被淹了 The mines were flooded, 汤普森截断那条河导致的 when Thomson diverted the river. 把所有困在矿井里的人都害死了 Killing everyone stuck inside. 希望我们不会遇到同样的下场 Let"s hope we don"t end up like them. 赐予我... Give me... 赐予我一个征兆 Give me a sign. 你在干吗? What are you doing? 这是什么地方? What is this place? 我晚点会把一切都解释给你听 I"ll explain everything to you later. 你要去救她么? Are you going to her? 我不能看着她死,米歇尔 I can"t just do nothing, Michelle. 她杀了个人啊 She killed a man. 对不起 I"m sorry. 弗兰克,偷了布朗森钱的那个警长 So, Frank, the Sheriff who stole Bronson"s money. 名字叫啥来着? What"s his name again? 麦考伊 McCoy. 麦考伊 McCoy. 咱提前说好了哈 And just to be clear, 我带你们到格林韦尔,并指认那家伙 I"ll lead you to Greenvale and point that fella out 之后就不参与了哈 and that"s it. I have no intention of putting myself 我无意参与你们的枪战。那家伙,手相当快

 in his line of fire. This man is fast. 你怎么知道他的? Where do you know him from? 我在各种地方跟各种人做生意 Well, I do business everywhere with anyone. 认识从波弗特到边境的 And I know every single businessman 每一个生意人和执法人员 and every single lawman from Beaufort to the border. 哦,你还很会看人是吧 Yeah, and you seem to be a good judge of character. 你为什么要含着那玩意? Why do you suck on them? 这东西会生津 It generates spit, 所以就不需要喝那么多水了 so you don"t need to drink as much water. 扯淡吧 Bullshit. 等你喝完水后,我们可以接着探讨 Well, we can discuss it further ...

推荐访问:Dirty Black Bag《肮脏黑袋子(2022)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本 完整 袋子 肮脏

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