
时间:2022-05-06 11:55:35 手机站 来源:网友投稿




 前情提要 你知道阿米特吗? Do you know Ammit? 她是埃及神 对吗?全世界第一个怪物 Egyptian deity, right? World"s first bogeyman. 阿米特的正义俯瞰着芸芸众生 The justice of Ammit surveys the whole of our lives. 所以我们必须要让她复活 That"s why we have to resurrect her. 她会照亮拯救世界的路途 And she"ll light the path to heal the world. 你这是自找麻烦 孔苏 You brought this upon yourself, Khonshu. 现在他被囚禁于此 Now, he"s tethered to this place. 这绝对是个大墓穴 It"s gotta be one of the big"uns. 我们赢了 We won. 史蒂文 Steven. -你认识史蒂文? -我当然认识史蒂文 -You know Steven? -Of course I know Steven. 如果我们不能冷静地… If we can"t calmly... -马克?马克 -史蒂文 -Marc? Marc! -Steven! 我们得逃出去 We gotta get out of here. 你们好 Hi. 救命 Help! 这都是你的错 This is all your fault! 冷静 马克?马克 Calm down. Marc? Marc. 我没朝你开枪 I didn"t shoot you. 你的神智时而清醒 Your mind is violently vacillating

 时而不清醒 between sense and nonsense. 想象一下 好吗?你的大脑是一个钟摆 Picture this, all right? Your brain is a pendulum, 在残酷的现实和虚幻之间不停摇摆 swinging between a very difficult reality, 现实中你是我的病人 这里是伊利诺伊州 that you are my patient here at Putnam Medical Facility 芝加哥的普特南医疗中心 in Chicago, Illinois, 而在你自己创造的臆想中 and a reassuring fantasy that you"ve created on your own. 我不确定 你也许是个什么超级英雄 好吗? That you"re some kind of, I don"t know, superhero. All right? 你在全力抗拒面对自己的内心 You are doing everything and everything possible not to look within. 你不是真的医生 You"re not really a doctor. 这就是为什么你在医院里 Is that why you keep starting 一直在和假想敌作战吗? imaginary fights in our hospital? 不 你不是医生 No, you"re not a doctor. 我很肯定 我真的是医生 Look. I feel real. I feel like a real doctor. 你不是医生 You"re not a doctor. 好吧 Well, all right. 我不是真的医生 行了吧 没事 I"m not a real doctor. Okay, well, all right, all right. 要聊的不是我 好吗? It"s not about me, okay? 从你开始吧 按你的方式来 回忆一下你的足迹 Let"s start with you. Let"s try it your way. Retrace your steps. 给我讲讲 你今天是怎么来的? Tell me. Tell me. How did you come to be here today? 你又是怎么来的? How did you get here? 坐公交车来的

 I took the bus, 和平常一样 like I always do. 你想知道你刚才是怎么和我说的吗? You wanna know what you told me, how you got here? 你告诉我 You told me 你在一个和这里很像的办公室里 that you were in a place that was oddly reminiscent of this office, 只不过是在埃及 对吗? except that it was in Egypt, right? 然后你在和一头犀牛… And that you were with a rhinoceros -还有… -是河马 -and... -Hippopotamus. 对 我… 你说得对 是河马 You"re right, I"m... You"re right, it was a hippopotamus, 它还会说话 but it talked. 你现在有何感受?你觉得这是合理的 Now, what do you think? Do you think that is sense 还是不合理的? or nonsense? 不合理的? Nonsense? 我觉得这很有帮助 I find this really encouraging. 我真的这么觉得 Honestly, I do. 有精神疾病的人总是会在大脑里 The struggling mind will often 建造一些庇护所 build places 这样他们就可以让自己的多重人格躲进去 to seek shelter for different aspects of the self 逃避那些最痛苦的回忆 from our most traumatic memories. 这叫组织化原则 明白吗? It"s called just an organizing principle, okay? 有些人看到的是城♥堡♥ Some people, they see a castle, right?

 有些人看到的是迷宫或图书馆 Somebody else will see a maze, or a library. 也许还有…精神病院? Or a... psych ward? 对 也许吧 有可能是精神病院 Yeah. Or it could be. Could be a psych ward. Yeah. 我觉得很有趣的是这个新的… What I find extremely interesting is this new... 新的动物角色 The new animal character. -河马? -我觉得很有趣 -Hippopotamus? -I find that really interesting. 这只河马能够打破你和史蒂文之间的隔阂 This hippo could break down the walls between you and Steven, 我们终于可以理解了 and we might finally understand. 理解什么? Understand what? 在你发作之前 你和我提到了一个小男孩 Well, before you got upset, you were talking to me about a boy. 你还记得那个小男孩吗? Do you remember that boy? 你能再给我讲讲那个小男孩吗? You think you could tell me about that little boy? 谢谢你 我觉得好多了 Hey, thank you. I feel really great. 是的 Yeah. 我是说 他们让你在这 肯定给了你好多钱 I mean, they must pay you a lot of money in this place. -你知道吗? -你真是个好医生 -You know what? -You"re really good. 我跟你说 我觉得自己棒极了 从来没这么好过 I tell you what, I feel like a million dollars, never felt so good. 我要走了 谢谢你 医生 不 你休想… I"m gonna see myself out. Thank you. Doctor! No, you"re not... 你要把那个怪物释放出来… 他会毁掉一切的 You"re gonna release that monster... He"s gonna destroy everything! -他会毁掉一切的 -温柔点 -He"s gonna destroy everything! -Be gentle with him! 听着 我不是你的敌人

 Listen, I am not your enemy! 不 No! No! 河马 Hippo! Hippo! 天啊 Oh, man! 这些药可真厉害 Wow, these meds are really amazing. 他反应一直这么强烈吗? Is he always so intense? 谁?他吗?对 确实是 Who, him? Yeah, pretty much. 那么…你们两个是…双胞胎? So, are you two, like, twins? -不是 -是 算是吧 -No. -Well, yes, sort of. 好吧 Okay, great. 那我就明白现在是什么情况了 That"s really cleared this whole situation up for me. 我们俩也一样 That makes two of us. 刚才我还觉得我被开枪打死了 Just a second ago, I thought I"d been shot to death. 天啊 你们肯定会很意外的 Oh, gosh! This will really bake your noodle, 但是我觉得你们现在应该已经做好准备了 but I think you were just taking a little time-out. 恐怕你们真的已经死了 I"m afraid you"re actually quite dead. 你说什么? I"m sorry, what? 但是… But... 我死了?我们死了? I"m dead? We"re dead? 对 Yes. 对 马克 她说得没错 Yes, Marc. I think she"s right.

 我觉得我们死了 I think we died. 其实我…我有…等等 I actually... I have... Hold on a sec. 已经很久没有灵魂经过这里了 It"s been a minute since we"ve had a soul pass through here. 跑题了…不好意思 Bit distracted... Excuse me. 好了 开始吧 A-ha! Okay, here we go. 欢迎你们 亲爱的旅行者…旅行者们 Welcome, gentle traveler... Travelers, 来到杜阿特 to the realm of the Duat. 杜阿特?埃及的冥界 Duat? The Egyptian underworld. 这是塔沃瑞特 This is Taweret, 她是妇孺的守护女神 goddess of women and children... -MARC: Uh-huh. 她是来引领我们去冥界的 ...and she"s guiding us through our journey to the afterlife. 好 Okay. 好吧 所以这就是冥界? Right. So, this is the afterlife? -那个冥界? -冥界之一而已 冥界不止一个 -The afterlife? -An afterlife. Not the afterlife. 那些孤魂游荡的地方 You"d be surprised how many intersectional planes -多到你无法想象 -是啊 -of untethered consciousness exist. -Yeah. 比如先人之境 那里太美了 话说回来 Like the Ancestral Plane. Oh! Just gorgeous. Anyway. 我确实有这里的介绍 I do actually have cards for all this 请稍等一下…抱歉 if you just wait, and... I"m sorry. 等一下…再见 Wait... Bye. 好了 那么…

 Okay, so... 因为杜阿特真正的本质是人类 Because the Duat"s true nature is impossible for the human mind -无法理解的… -是的 -to comprehend... -Right. 你们可以按照更容易理解的方式 may perceive this realm as something 想象这个地方 more easily recognizable to you. 我还是第一次看到精神病院 A psych ward"s a first for me, 但是这没关系 对吗? but, hey, we can roll with it, right? 为什么我们想象中的冥界会是精神病院呢? Why would we imagine this realm to be a psychiatric hospital? 因为我们都疯了 Because we"re insane. 我们是疯子 We"re insane. 这个会说话的河马 This talking hippo, 那个会说话的死鸟 你不在我的身体里 talking dead bird, you"re outside of my body now. 现在居然还有冥界? And now the afterlife, right? -这就是现实… -但是马克 That"s the reality and this... -But Marc, Marc. 这个医院就是个幻想 The hospital. That"s the imagination. -抱歉 他… -天啊 哈罗医生是对的 -Sorry, he"s... -Oh, man. Dr. Harrow"s right. 哈罗医生? Dr. Harrow? 这就是组织化原则 This is an organizing principle. -他变成医生了? -我来给你证明 -Is he a doctor now? - I"ll prove it you. 比如穿过这些门 So, like, right through these doors, for example, 我们穿过这些门 就能看见很多病人 we go through here, there"s gonna be patients,

 克劳利可能会大喊“没错” and there"s Crawley probably about to yell bingo! 我的天啊 Oh, my God! 我的天啊 Oh, my God! 这是哪? What is this? 这是冥界 This is the underworld. 我没疯 I"m not crazy. 我确实死了 I"m dead. -你说我们要去哪? -我们要坐船去芦苇原 -Where did you say we"re going? -We"re sailing to A"aru. 是芦苇原 对吗 塔沃瑞特? To the Field of Reeds, right, Taweret? 看来他是个明白人 对吗? Ah, so he"s the smart one, hey? 如果你的心脏通过审判 Well, if your heart"s balanced in life, 你就会永远待在芦苇原 then you will spend eternity in paradise. 那个极乐世界 The Field of Reeds. 但是在去那之前 我得先简单地弄个… But before we get there, I"ve just got to do a quick little... 别急 轻点 Whoa! Easy! Easy, easy, easy there! - 太棒了 成功了 看啊 Oh, goody! It worked! Look at that! 我还生怕得把你们开膛破肚呢 Here was little old me worrying I"d blow your chests wide open. 不好意思 你说什么? Sorry, what? 等等 她在干什么? Wait, what"s she doing? 她在用正义天平和真理之羽 She"s weighing our hearts on the Scales of Justice 给我们的心脏称重

 and the Feather of Truth. 古埃及的人们认为心脏 You see, the ancient Egyptians believed that the heart 能够判定一个人的本质 was the sign of who you really were in life. 如果旅途结束时 你的天平是平衡的 If the Scales balance by the time you end the journey, 那么你的灵魂就可以进入芦苇原了 then a soul is permitted to pass into the Field of Reeds. -如果不平衡呢? -你就会被扔下船 What if they don"t balance? -You get thrown overboard. Whoo! 亡灵会把你拖进杜阿特 The dead will drag you down into the Duat, 然后你将永远被冻在沙子里 where you will remain forever, frozen in sand. 不平衡的灵魂不配在我的船上 这就是规矩 No unbalanced souls on my boat. Them"s the rules. 祝你们好运 Fingers crossed for you guys, hey? 我不在乎那河马说了什么 I don"t care what this hippo says. 我们不可能去杜阿特 There"s no way we"re ending up down there. 更不可能去芦苇原 And we"re not going to the Field of Reeds, either. -好吧 那你有什么计划? -如果逼不得已 -All right. What are you proposing? -If it comes to it, 杀掉那个河马 把船抢过来 kill the hippo, steal the boat. 杀掉她? Kill? 各位? Um, fellas? - 什么?为什么会这样? 为什么这么晃动? What? Why is it doing that? Why is it moving like that? 我不知道 我没有这个的介绍 I don"t know. I do not have a card for this. 是心脏的问题 Oh. It"s the hearts. 它们不完整 They aren"t full.

 相信我 我可是...

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